Senior software engineer, technology enthusiast

I’m Thomas Cabral, a senior software engineer and entrepreneur based in Florida. I’m the founder and CEO of FlowState Dev, where we are passionate about using technology to empower people and businesses to reach their full potential.

Prompt Engineering isn't Engineering

A recent conversation with a colleague highlighted a fundamental disconnect in how we discuss and market artificial intelligence capabilities. When exploring how large language models (LLMs) actually function, they expressed frustration with the gap between marketing promises and technical reality—drawing a pointed comparison to Tesla's self-drivin...

Boosting Code Readability with Scala's For Comprehension

Introduction At its core, for comprehension is a syntactic construct that allows you to write a sequence of expressions that are executed in a loop. The loop iterates over some collection, generating a value on each iteration, and applies some operations to that value. The result is a new collection that is created by combining the values generate...

Flask REST API: The Easiest Way to Build RESTful Web Services

Flask is a popular micro web framework for Python that makes it easy to build small web services, including REST APIs. REST APIs are web services that use the REST architectural style, which provides a standardized way of accessing and manipulating data over the web. Here is an example of a Flask app that uses SQLAlchemy, an object-relational mapp...

Case Study: How a Custom Email Validation Application Boosted Deliverability

I. Introduction Our client was a marketing & advertising company experiencing high bounce rates and poor email deliverability. The services they were using previously had stopped working, and the cost of the SaaS applications on the market that offered similar functionality was too high and didn't fully solve their issues. To address these challe...

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  1. Company
    FlowState Dev
  2. Company
    Senior Software Engineer
  3. Company
    Software Engineer
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